or look at
www.postsecret.blogspot.com i don't know what to say, it's so true. i have this thrill every time i find ex-mormons or any sort of comment like this (there seems to be a mormon/christian secret trend on postsecret), because knowing i'm not the only one adds a little more confidence in me that a life beyond it is possible. i hate to be constantly ranting about the bloody mormons all the time, but once you reject the religion that you once based every thought upon, there seems to be no ground beneath your feet, no reality to grasp. some habits of thought, once developed, refuse to be kicked.
i still feel, with every satanic cup of coffee that i consume (three today as of half an hour ago - i need to be awake to study!) and with every taste of wine (one small glass tonight - i'm trying to be responsible!) that i am committing an act of such rebellion. to admit to being a lesbian? god. and i still feel guilty for blaspheming.