so what i didn't notice when i was sent these nosy centrelink forms (which assume there is some chance that i might be sleeping with my male housemate and want to know if they can deduct anything from my payments) was the threat that they'd cancel my payments if i didn't return the forms two days ago. this isn't the usual couple of pages to check
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Comments 4
I enjoyed it - you might too.
Damn things like this make me angry. Society is really starting to piss me off these days.
I find it interesting that you say "i can't help but feel mildly insulted that, since there is a male living in the same house as me, there is a likelyhood that we are covered by the same private insurance, or that i'm being supported financially by him." Does this mean that they don't ask/care whether or not you're financially supporting him? Seems incredibly sexist, to my mind. "oH nOeZ, sHe cAnt WoRk! wOmAn iZ InfERi0rz!!11!@!"
best line ever. I say you drop it in the comment box.
to this problem and other such I say simpy: AGHG#JWLKJWL@K#aelrkbhjqo23t76gol oh-so-coherently. good ol' institutionalised time-honoured hetersexist society.
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