I have just started making more icons.
I dunno why, I've got time to kill and it seems time to revive my photoshop.
But I've noticed there arent many communities deciated to asian fashion icons.
Perhaps I should make one? I'm not sure since the last one I made is a epic fail.
I just couldn't put a full commitment I guess.
But I feel I could if I could take on a couple of mods.
So if anyone is interested in an asian fashion graphics com (korean, chinese and japanese)then let me know.
For any potential mods aswell, just send me some examples.
I think I might just start one anyway, after writing about it, I kinda just wanna do it.
I need to think of a name ...
EDIT: The new com is called
koreancindrella (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
I got the name from a korean brand that I liked from Gmarket, called Cinderella.
~ Hence Koreancinderella. And it's every girls dream to be a princess, right?