The economic benefits of climate action

Jun 08, 2020 15:14

TED TALK: The economic benefits of climate action | Marcelo Mena

Marcelo Mena, the former environment minister of Chile, is on a mission to create a zero-emission economy in his country by 2050. In a conversation about climate action, he discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic is changing Chile's ambitious plan to tackle climate change -- and explains why the green recovery needs to be powered by both political leaders and citizens alike. (This virtual conversation, hosted by TED current affairs curator Whitney Pennington Rodgers and global curator Bruno Giussani, was recorded on May 26, 2020.)

countries - chile, cliamte action, coronavirus covid-19, mena - marcelo, rodgers - whitney pennington, giussani - bruno, economics - climate / warming, ted talks, benefits of climate action, opportunities

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