The only way is UP

Jan 16, 2020 09:34


The climate summaries for 2019 are all now out. None of this will be a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention, but the results are stark.

  • 2019 was the second warmest year (in analyses from GISTEMP, NOAA NCEI, ERA5, JRA55, Berkeley Earth and Cowtan & Way, RSS TLT), it was third warmest in the standard HadCRUT4 product and in the UAH TLT. It was the warmest year in the AIRS Ts product.
  • For ocean heat content, it was the warmest year, though in terms of just the sea surface temperature (HadSST3), it was the third warmest.
  • The top 5 years in all series, are the last five years.
  • The decade was the first with temperatures more than 1ºC above the late 19th C in almost all products.

My own curious observation:  Note the bump during WW2.  In fact, if you compared 'this' graph to one plotting world militarisation over the same timeframe, they would look pretty similar.  One might interpret this coincidence as representing the rise of world industrialisation, which is likely the cause of both trends, warming and militarisation. Alternately, one might interpret the correlation as representing the possibility that, as the planet warms, humans become more agitated.  In fact, I think both interpretations are compatible, and both phenomena would probably be mutually amplifying.  A feedback loop not yet factored into climate models.  (Ergo, more and sooner tipping points).  I've been planning to write more about warming and consequential socio-economic changes, especially increasing immigration and warfare.  Hopefully I can get around to that soon.  (My activity on LJ is being reduced a little).

militarisation / war, feedback loops, hypotheses, climate models / predictions / prophesie

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