Lethal algae blooms - an ecosystem out of balance

Jan 13, 2020 11:20

Lethal algae blooms - an ecosystem out of balance

Toxic formations across the US and the Baltic are part of a worrying trend linked to the climate crisis and farming methods

On 3 August 2014, residents of Toledo, Ohio, woke to the news that overnight their water supply had become toxic. They were advised not only to avoid drinking the water, but also touching it - no showers, no baths, not even hand-washing.

Boiling the water would only increase its toxicity while drinking it could cause “abnormal liver function, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, numbness or dizziness”, read a statement from the City of Toledo, warning residents to “seek medical attention if you feel you have been exposed”.
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But also look at this interesting news:
The environmental fate of microplastics has been difficult to trace. A research group used carbon isotope labeling to follow the fate of polyethylene in the food chain. To the researchers surprise, plastic carbon was transformed into beneficial fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, by the microbes originating from humic lakes.

Read all here: Microbes from humics lakes surprise - bacteria and algae produced omega-3 fatty acids from microplastics

water - drinking water / safety, climate change and health concerns, oceans - microplastics, strange news, oceans - algae, eco-solutions

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