A climate change solution that's right under our feet

Sep 03, 2019 14:19

There's two times more carbon in the earth's soil than in all of its vegetation and the atmosphere -- combined. Biogeochemist Asmer Asefaw Berheet dives into the science of soil and shares how we could use its awesome carbon-trapping power to offset climate change. "[Soil] represents the difference between life and lifelessness in the earth system, and it can also help us combat climate change -- if we can only stop treating it like dirt," she says.

TED TALK : http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TEDTalks_video/~3/oTpNWgToy1I/asmeret_asefaw_berhe_a_climate_change_solution_that_s_right_under_our_feet


How do we fix our soil, food and health? We need a “microbiome renaissance,” the author said. And that begins with showing Mother Nature a little respect:

It is pure hubris to think we can manipulate nature into agricultural perfection with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Instead, to adapt to and mitigate the intertwined ecological, human health and climate crises, we must respect the elegant complexity of nature.

Read ‘Broccoli Is Dying. Corn Is Toxic. Long Live Microbiomes!’ - https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/broccoli-is-dying-corn-is-toxic-long-live-microbiomes

berhe - asmerasefaw, carbon sinks, soil, eco-solutions

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