Jul 16, 2018 22:07

A Catholic history of the last few months...

Pope Frances Appears to Back Tribal Land Rights in Dakota Access Pipeline Fight

Pope summons oil execs to Vatican to talk climate change

Jerry Taylor, president of the Washington libertarian-oriented think-tank Niskanen Center, said he figures the oil executives will tell the pope they’re willing to accept action, such as a tax on heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions.

“But what is needed is for these oil majors to tell Republican lawmakers of their concern and support for action, not the pope. And this they have not done in any focused, sustained, or meaningful way,” Taylor said in an email. That’s where, he said, the pontiff needs to push them farther on the morality of what they’re doing, he said.

Dana Fisher, a sociologist who studies environmentalism at the University of Maryland, said the pope is cementing his leadership on climate.

“He certainly is trying to lead for the planet and lord knows we need it,” she said.

Gary Yohe, an economics and environment professor at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, said the executives might feel compelled to listen to the spiritual leader of nearly 1.3 billion Catholics.

“This is not somebody you can ignore,” Yohe said. “It might be a come to Jesus moment for them.”
Exxon Quits ALEC After Years of Climate-Denying Collaboration

Pope says climate change and mankind's rampant consumption will turn the Earth into 'rubble, deserts and refuse'

His call came as he warned that climate change, continued unsustainable development and rampant consumption threatens to turn the Earth into a vast pile of “rubble, deserts and refuse”.

Francis made the appeal at a Vatican conference marking the third anniversary of his landmark environmental encyclical Praise Be.

The document, meant to spur action at the 2015 Paris climate conference, called for a paradigm shift in humanity’s relationship with Mother Nature.

In his remarks, Francis urged governments to honour their Paris commitments and said institutions such as the IMF and World Bank had important roles to play in encouraging reforms promoting sustainable development.

“There is a real danger that we will leave future generations only rubble, deserts and refuse,” he warned.

Church of Ireland to end investments in fossil fuel...

Global Climate Movement Celebrates as Ireland Set to Become First Country to Fully Divest From Fossil Fuels

Ireland becomes world's first country to divest from fossil fuels

Irish Parliament Makes History With Vote to Divest Country Fully From Fossil Fuels - Divestment
The Case for Fossil Fuel Divestment
Don't Make Fun of Daddy's Voice!

dakota access pipeline / nodapl, big coal, big gas, countries - ireland, economics - divestment, catholic - popes - francis, big oil / oil companies, dirty money

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