I Speak Victorian

Apr 11, 2030 18:35

Waid's Fanfiction.

"What is the meaning of it, Watson?" said Holmes solemnly as he laid down the paper. "What object is served by this circle of misery and violence and fear?"

(Drama, angst, hurt/comfort and tragedy)
Text Omitted. 2000 words. Watson learns something disconcerting about Holmes' past. ' Holmes’ tone is light, but something in it, and ( Read more... )

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taleya February 7 2011, 05:06:08 UTC

Putting stuff in the new (searchable!) filled prompts archive - and I noticed you've been deleting your fic off the meme.

I've removed all entries on the filled prompts post to match.

If you have it listed elsewhere and still want it associated with the community, please let me know.


w_a_i_d February 7 2011, 07:22:47 UTC
What?! No I haven't!


w_a_i_d February 7 2011, 07:25:08 UTC
... Seriously, I haven't deleted anything. I completely want all my stuff to stay where it was, I have no idea what this means.


taleya February 7 2011, 08:14:45 UTC
The link to "winter in london" on the meme goes straight to a deleted post.

We're coming across all sorts of old stuff as we're putting it into the archive. Argh. Nightmare. (Have a peep here if you're curious)


w_a_i_d February 7 2011, 10:41:32 UTC
I definitely didn't do that. Or at least, I can't begin to imagine how I could have. I haven't been near that page in months. If for some reason I did decide to delete all my stories, and ... I really CAN'T think of such a reason, short of imminent danger of serious consequences in RL, I'd have talked to you about it. I love the meme! Got me into this crazy game.

Is there an undo button you can hit on the posts on the filled prompts page you've already deleted, or shall I/can I repost them linking here? Do you know if it's just Winter in London?

That's a really cool resource you're making, I'll be thrilled about it in a minute when I stop being freaked out! EEE. MAH STORIES. And sorry that the damn things are somehow creating so many problems, but I just went to the shkinkmeme winners post to see if the link there was still working, and it's not. And I don't know why not -- it's evidently trying to link here which should be fine. (We'll see if it works in this post.)



taleya February 7 2011, 11:09:28 UTC
Hmm. I'd just put a link posting to http://w-a-i-d.livejournal.com/748.html

I'll fix up the awards post and the archive shortly. If you can repost to filled prompts, that would be great


w_a_i_d February 7 2011, 11:53:16 UTC
Okay, that'll be fine. I'll do that this afternoon. And I'll add a wordcount to the first WIL entry so that people landing there know what they're getting into.


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