So here is the short version of what's happening.

May 19, 2011 14:15

I talked about some of this under f-lock, but let's have a recap/update for anyone who might possibly wonder where I've been lately.

1) My dad was in hospital for two weeks with heart failure, and the doctors kept yanking us back and forth between "oh it's nothing really" and "DOOM" every couple of days. The final verdict appeared to be "DOOM". However:
2) He's doing a lot better now. Lost a lot of the fluid he was retaining, much more active, feeling good,  blood pressure is good, doctors are pleased with his progress, etc. Yay. Everything's sort of theoretically back to normal again, although there's this sense of waiting for the other shoe to drop, because on the one hand he might be fine, but what the cardiologist said was pretty fucking scary.  And if he is fine, there's never going to be any grand announcement  that he's now fine and we can all relax, he'll just... go on being fine. And on the one hand, that's called BEING ALIVE . But on the other hand, no, this is a bit different.
3) My poor Mum has got so skinny and wrung out with this.
4) Even after the crisis phase of this was ostensibly over, it has all been incredibly mentally and physically and emotionally knackering, which clearly is not remotely surprising in principle, but endlessly surprising in practice, at least to me, who occasionally can be a bit "what is this thing you humans call 'love'" about stuff. "Why do I just want to curl up in bed and stay there indefinitely with a cat on my head?  I mean, I know why. But why?" But I've slept a lot and I do feel much better now.
5)  I haven't been writing any fanfic lately.
6) But I will!

If any of my Holmesy, plotty friends felt like helping with items 5) and 6), I'd be so grateful. I sort of want a... a pre-beta? Someone to just rant with/bounce ideas off  about plotting. See, before I update Antidote to Sorrow again, I want to write my Help Japan fic for the very generous perverse_idyll and tweedisgood . I know the outline of what I want to do with the prompt, but I need to work out, like, why Devious Character X is doing Mysterious Thing Y, and how this is going to lead to Watson and Holmes snogging each other.

BUT NOT YOU, perverse_idyll and tweedisgood! For you, I want this to be a surprise :)

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