
Just thought I'd share...

May 01, 2010 21:27

April 29th, 2019

Following the decision by the California Bar Association that Defense Attorney Phoenix Wright (Badge No. 26381) was guilty of presenting fabricated evidence during State v. Enigmar on the morning of April 29th, 2019, and following the subsequent decision of the Bar Association to strip Attorney Wright of his badge and ability to practice in the State of California, we request a thorough re-examination of all trials in which Phoenix Wright defended or had an active hand in investigating.

If evidence of forgery or any other irregularities are discovered, it is also imperative to re-examine the cases of those who were found guilty in subsequent trials regarding the same cases, and to declare mistrials or reverse convictions where appropriate...

The rest of it is the usual bunch of wordy mumbo jumbo, but I think those two paragraphs capture the gist of it. You lovely folks over at the department did get my letter, didn't you?

Oh, and hey, Wrighto! Wrighto! Web search programs seem to be all over your name these days!

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