wat some luck...never encounter this!! swt''

Sep 26, 2007 01:17

ok...i m very lazy to post...but i cant stand it anymore!! i never encounter this before!!! so i want to write it out!! >__<

it was like this...yesterday was mooncake festival, so i join our college's chinese language society's mid-autumn festival...
we are selling stuff there, playing games....n they got the lucky draw...
that time i was telling my fren, what if the person picking the number pick his/her own number? that will b very ridiculous ride, haha...
as the prez of anime club...*shhh, tries to b humble...* , i got called up to stage to pick up number for the lucky winner by the CLS's prez...
i cant run, so i havta go up lo...that time i donno which prize i m giving out...juz stupidly go on stage n pick number lo...
u know wat...i juz randomly choose a number, pick up, look at the number...than i was like... o__O  WTH?! it was my number!!
then i show the number to the mc, she was playing the number, like the number start with 1 sumting...then i show her my ticket n said, 
it was me, i won...'
lol...those ppl down stage was like... 0__O wat?!! lol...cant believe...
then the mc said, looks like our special guest had picked her own number...lol, it seems like i purposely choose my own number...felt so guilty winning it la....
in all,  i get 2nd prize, a big hamper...(better than the 1st...not useful...this one can eat)  win by myself...swt''

i need ur comments on this!! thx

lucky draw..

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