i haven't written in here because college is seriously hectic.
but i was just searching around the internet and i was shocked to see..this.
this is what breeds the shit in our generations.
headstrong parents that give their kids
these terrible values to live by that will
probably follow them until they get to be that
age and then make their kids get "God hates
fags" tattoos on their foreheads.
this got me so angry.
i understand if some people
don't agree with gay marriage,
even though i do. but some don't
but don't even dare try to use kids
as a means to convey some
crazy message promoting a website
called godhatesfags.com
out of curiosity i looked at the website.
apparently god hates obama, and other
religions idols, and they thank god for
aids. and god hates the USA and you.
ridiculous. i have nothing more to say.
im totally disgusted and can't even say
anything else.