Jan 13, 2006 19:11


- I got in a car accident and my back hurts very badly. I think im going to go to the dr. tomorrow and get some pain pills because the muscle relaxers are just making me tired and yucky.

- In the last week i only worked 1 day..(sunday) Cuz friday and Saturday I was off.. Then i got in the accident on monday.. and i took tuesday off.. and wed and thursday are my normal days off. :) Im so out of it right now.

- Josh has been blowing my phone up constantly. I feel bad because I know what it feels like to loose someone you love, but I got over it. He just needs someone to make him not think about me. I thought that he would be with Danielle and take care of her baby.. and be a happy "family" together. I dont know what to do anymore.

- Im still hanging out with Lou. Hes the best thing thats ever happend to me. He treats me soo good. Hes the nicest person ever.. we have our differances but its weird. Sometimes we think the same, and often were like "Hey, I was going to say that." Its so cute. I think we make a cute couple beause im of course HAWT and hes.. mmm sexy. I dont know. Maybe hes waiting for me to get a divorce totally and then we can be "together" but we already are. But, whats our "title" are we ... boyfriend and girlfriend?! I mean he tells his boys that im his "girl".. i dunno. Why do i keep putting everything in "quotes" and why do i keep saying i dunno.. UGH!!

- I dont know what else to write about. Lou got me sidetracked.. im supposed to call him soon but i want to wait a while so we actually have something to talk about. I mean when were together we have stuff to talk about but when were on the phone.. we dont talk that much.. like we used to.. like when we first started talking on the phone. But i think we talk a lot.. i mean we see eachother everyday.. and if we dont see eachother then were on the phone. But, everyday I dont see him.. I want to.. he makes me soo happy and keeps me from thinking about Josh. I mean, i dont want to think about him because he treated me like shit. He would choose drinking, smoking, friends.. everything over me. Lou doesnt. he actually wants me to go places with him and if I dont want to go then he wont go.. he wont be like. fuck you bitch and go without me. Lou would never call me a bitch in a mean way.. or call me a cunt. He opens the door for me when I have to leave at night. He does the little things that matter.. not the whole buying me things.. Id rather him do things for me psychally.. then with money. I dont like gifts.. i like feelings.. ok im done writing this shit.. its making me sad.

Love Yall

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