Jul 27, 2006 20:41
According to Livejournal, I haven't blogged in about a month. According to my head, I haven't blogged for about say...0.5 seconds. Blogging is the stuff that floats around in my head that I one day decide, "Hey, I'll let people read this." And it gets written, and whether it gets read or not is a different matter. But the process of writing, of taking those thoughts, that information, and giving shape in the text in this word-processor wannabe that livejournal has set up for you, it gives birth to more. It let's me see with my actual eye, rather than my mind's eye. And my actual eye let's these words from the word-processor wannabe go into my head, upon which I mull upon them again, cancel out whole chunks, give up on certain topics entirely, so on and so forth. It is perhaps the lowest form of writing, but it is still writing, and I started blogging because I wanted to write.
I wanted a platform to write fantasy short stories, scifi short stories, things about life, nonsense, vulgarities, to spew forth my venomous anger at the world, share my elation on the joys of living. I love reading so much, writing is definitely one of the goals I hope to achieve in life, if not what would be the point in reading and just having all the information I soak up go to waste?
I can talk, discuss, send e-mails, chat. Ok. So blogging, is in essence, talking to myself, and whoever can be bothered to read this. But maybe it's about something more. In The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, the lead character said that she has spent far too long waiting for things to happen to her, and that she needs to go out and look for the things she wants. I guess I need to do that too. To look for things I can be bothered to do more than think about, to move me enough to take it out of my head and put it here, and perhaps even have myself read it again. I do admit I have little idea as to where to go looking for them, but I really do believe this is the start of a new time for this blog and myself. I don't know how long this enthusiasm will last. Maybe it'll be burnt out by tomorrow. But it'll be here for me to think upon at least.