First update in about a billionty years

Sep 28, 2011 11:06

I have the most boring life, never feels like I have much of a reason to update this lol. I've mostly been working and going to school. Work is great, I absolutely LOVE my job. I get paid very well here, and it's a very stress free and laid back environment.

The Cody thing HAD gotten much much better, like I don't miss him, don't want him, don't give a fuck either way about him... and then he messaged me yesterday with some bullshit that I just ignored. Fuck him. Lying, cheating son of a bitch. Hope his dick falls off.

Good news is I got my own phone contract. New number that he doesn't have, yaaaay!

Other than that not a whole lot happening with me. >.> Starting to save money to buy a house. That's exciting! And uh. Stuff? Iono I'm talking to a guy, I like him a lot and he's awesome but I really wanna be single for a while. A long while. I enjoy my freedom :3
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