Cock Fest!

Aug 08, 2004 11:11

Yesterday was an intersting day, me and christian spent about 2 hours getting a lot of alcohol, we managed to buy enough alcohol to put every person im house into a coma, we didnt manage to even drink half of the alcohol, but thats good! cause were going to use it for next week end. YAY! The night itself is quite un-describable, the only way you can describe this cock fest is to look at these pics!

Tim Humping the lamp!

Moysey Having a great time!

Tim convincing chris to go through "The Time Rift"

Tim showing chris the way there...

Scott talking to Tara on the Phone...

Fuck You Tim's here!

Robot Sammy

Me chilling...

Sammy getting naked!

Tim taking a lovely piss!

Bad Boi sammy!

Bad Boi Chris!


Sammy getting wasted!

Chriss giving me an extra hand...

Tim decided to get all of my 11th grade work and chuck it around my closset... YAy :)

fuck you Tim! You have been a Bad Boi ;)

Chris managed to calm that mother-fucker down...

Moysey chilling...

dont ask WTF that is, we found it in the microwave... Mold...

Tim turned out to be a good boi and put all my work in my pillow case :) which chris used for a pillow that night!! YAY!

Tim taking a shiaaatt with his drink :)

Well that was our fun and exciting night!!!
Thats it til next weekend.

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