**About You**
Name: Danielle
Your nickname: Dani
Age: 17
Month of Birthday: May
where you were born: Berkley
where you live now: Antioch
your school: Deer Valley
[[wow that awkward... i swear thats what came up too]]
your dream:
fear: shots...[[ AHHHH. it was soo hard to even put this picture up here!]]
Last vacation spot: Juarez, Mexico
Next vacation spot: Minnesota
Favorite vacation spot: Disneyland
***** Favorites*****
Favorite Number: 3
Favorite soda: Squirt?
Favorite Color: Pink!
Favorite sport: Swimming
Favorite gadget you own: Cell Phone
Favorite movie: Zoolander
Favorite candy: Reeses
Favorite animal: dog?
**** Lasts ****
Last movie you saw: the life aquatic
Last tv show you watched: Laguna Beach!
Last Book you read: this lullaby
Last word you said: you
Last person you hung out with: Sara
Last person you talked to on IM: Kris
Last food you ate: Cheese-its
hehe there ya go. that was my google search =]
hope you all are having a great day
<3 dani