pretty much just a update.

Nov 08, 2004 22:19

im so bored of my life right now. i honestly do nothing. wake up. go to school. easy classes. come home. take a nap. little to no homework, and I finish it by at least 6:00. sit around by the computer or wait for a pointless show like laguna beach or something like that to come on. go to bed. lather. rinse. repeat. this is what my day consists of. my weekends suck. i dont have a love interest other than torie wanting me back. im scared of being hurt again by him, so i dont think thats gunna work out. i was hurt waaay to many times to even think seriously about it. i need to go somewhere for at least a week. maybe by myself. i usually never want to do things on my own, but for some reason i think it's what i would want right now. i also want to get a job, but my parents wont let me. they say, "if you have time to get a job, then you have more time to focus on school". if they would take their heads out of their asses, then maybe they would see that i have forever and a menstrol cycle left over after school and homework, and im getting straight a's. usually its not your parents who are the ignorant ones. ugh. they should be thinking, "hm, robyn wants to be responsible and do something positive with her time." nope. how much more retarded can two people be?

im so over it.
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