Nov 04, 2009 17:47
Y'know, on the one hand, I love Facebook, because I can keep tabs on all my wee little baby cousins (who are... in high school or uni or married, but they are still my wee little baby cousins and always will be). And I love that I've gotten back in touch with friends from grad school and undergrad and high school and middle school and, yes, even elementary school.
On the other hand, it's so disappointing when you discover that someone who was your best friend in second grade turned into a pretentious douchenozzle somewhere along the way. And the laid-back, cool, fun guy in choir turned into a hate-filled, angry, self-righteous jerkoff. The negativity brings me down too much, so I mostly just choose to hide their posts.
And then there was the moment of complete shock when I discovered my best bud from Madrigal Ensemble has three kids, OMG. And my BFF from high school... also has three kids (the oldest one was Sweeney Todd for Halloween and his costume was awesome!). So many of my friends have decided to spawn. It's shocking and a little scary.
I think I'll stick with dogs for now, kthx.
real life