It looks like my Wednesday is going to start out with a migraine. AWESOME. I am taking measures to cut it off before it progresses, but that hardly ever works so mostly I'm sitting here until I finish my tea.
Mom took Gramps to the neurologist yesterday, and the news is... not so good. His MRI showed significant shrinkage in the frontal lobes
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Yeah, I don't even know, dude. Being an artist, no matter how gifted, does not de facto forgive you any and all transgressions.
What's been interesting to watch about all of this is how this seems to be the one thing that the left and right-wing blogospheres seem to be able to agree on without condition. Sure, you get the odd nutball or two in the comments who think that it's been so long since it happened that we should just drop it already, but for the most part, people on both sides of the fence are disgusted and outraged.
And then you have Hollywood. Oy. Not all of them, of course, but Kevin Smith is one voice on a sadly short list.
I think this whole thing illustrates an interesting picture on the question of class and power in society. I keep looking over to my bookshelf and I'm like, "Yep, The Monk, Caleb Williams, The Red and the Black, and damn near everything Dickens wrote about." The corruption of those in positions of wealth and power, their depravities, and their belief that aforementioned wealth and power should protect them from the repercussions of those depravities.
...Or something.
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