I have these two pet peeves. And they're two pretty significant ones, as far as these things go (three, actually, if you count how much I hate to listen to noisy eaters slurp and lipsmack their way through a meal).
Peeve the First: I hate being interrupted. Because nothing sends the message that what you have to say isn't important like someone
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"But what about--"
"What do you think--"
"Where can we--"
"I th--"
It has gotten to the point where other people will remark to me later that my mom is not so big on the letting me get a word in edgewise. And I know a lot of it has to do with her being the eldest child of eight, but sometimes the whole thing drives me up a wall. I've actually talked with her about the interruption thing, and she's aware of it, and sometimes even catches herself and apologizes, but the past few times I've gone to visit with her, I get verbally steamrolled.
As for the making me wait thing... I've actually done all three of those things. We've now moved into Ways You Can Not Be Running Around Like A Headless Chicken -- I finally got her to agree to set the coffeemaker the night before, because oh my god, you would not believe what an ordeal it is to make coffee at her house.
Some mornings I just don't want to screw around, and I forego the carpooling -- it's actually kind of nice sometimes, because I can be done with my shopping and be back usually before she's even left (that boggles me -- I'd much rather get out as early as possible, before places get busy).
The amazing part is that I'm the Picsces and she's the Virgo -- I'M supposed to be the one running late all the time! ;)
Same here. But tossing me a "Outsiders ways are not our ways" might've saved me some trouble. (Goddamned thunderdome, how was I to know that asking about the return policy was going back on a deal?)
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