I'm officially regretting alllll of my Finance procrastination -- even if most of it was wedding related. Our paper and project is due this Thursday, I have a group meeting in... three hours, and I'm not what you'd call "prepared" for it. Oh, and our take-home final exam is due Thursday too. Whee. Oh, and did I mention that we got stuck with the jackass from the first Finance class again? I really thought my other group partner was going to hit him with her book Thursday night. He sent her his portion of the project, and she found out that he'd done it wrong, so she did it herself. He then got his boxers in a knot and made a comment about how they wasted time both working on the same section, to which she said, "You did it wrong."
And then he wanted her to show her how to do it RIGHT. *headdesk* And even AFTER being shown that he did it wrong, he was still complaining about the time wasted by the two of them doing the same section. Oy. I really dislike this guy. A lot. After getting stuck with him in my group for Marketing, Finance, and now Advanced Finance, I sincerely hope I never, ever see his face in a classroom ever again.
Good news, though: Tora's feeling a lot better after a week's worth of antibiotics. Still kind of weak and tired, but definitely better, so that's good.
There's other stuff going on, but mostly right now I'm up to my ears in NYSE and NASDAQ research. And, just for the record, the NYSE's website rocks my socks. NASDAQ's website can bite my ass in all its uselessness.
The highlights of my week: receiving the most useless gift in the history of wedding presents (no, really THE most useless gift -- I have pictures and was laughing for hours after opening it), and downloading the new Microsoft Media Player and signing up for Urge.
It's... a little silver beach chair.
That... holds napkins?
And, evidently, a certain Rat:
All hail the Rat Prince! (Yes, that is a crown. Yes, I made it. Yes, it's aluminum foil. Shut up.)
I realize that I sound horrendously ungrateful, making fun of a gift. And part of me does feel kind of bad. I mean, a gift is a gift, and they didn't have to send us anything at all (Tora's parents didn't even send a card, shock of shocks), so I feel as if I shouldn't make fun of it.
But, dude. It's a NAPKIN HOLDER fashioned in the shape of a BEACH CHAIR. And because my aunt forgot to take the price tag off (giving her the benefit ot the doubt, here), I know she spent $89.00 on a BEACH CHAIR NAPKIN HOLDER. I'm still flabbergasted at that. I just... I have no use for this. We don't have much of a decorating motif going here, but I can tell you right now that "beach" does not fit in what little motif we HAVE.
I just... I don't... I don't get it.