General updatey stuff

May 12, 2006 14:50

Well, grampa's situation has... been interesting to say the least. For anyone who doesn't know, he took a tumble back on the 27th, and a trip to the ER revealed a compression fracture in his lower back. Wednesday morning started with him not being able to sit up or roll over or ANYTHING -- at least, not without a great deal of pain. Mom called 911, and the paramedics put him on a straight board (I can't think of the name of it -- what's it called?) and brought him in to the hospital. Mom said that getting him on the board was hell -- he was in a lot of pain, but once he was on it, he was all right.

Once in the hospital, they took another round of X-rays, which showed no change from the first set. Then came the MRI and bone scan, which revealed a compression fracture in the L-1 disc. He's in a sort of... I guess they call it a corset? It's stabilizing his back. He's on strict bed rest while he heals (which he had not been doing because... well, because he's a guy and an ex-Marine too).

We're trying to keep our heads about this, since injuries like that in a man his age can lead to scary complications.

As for personal health, I'm feeling better as far as the cough goes. I do need to go see a doctor, though. I can still hear my pulse in my ear, and it's wigging me out. And I still have gunk in my lungs. But the gunk is considerably better -- I've done some hard-core cleaning over the past few days, including steam-cleaning the rugs, which I so totally recommend to anyone, because it makes everything smell SO GOOD. Or... well, clean. So a large part of the problem was probably allergy related, though hopefully not Darwin related. :)

I've been giving serious consideration to selling my car. It's kind of old (1994 Mustang), and it's seen better days, but someone could probably do something with it if they were willing to put a little elbow grease into it, but... I dunno. My uncle does a lot with cars; he could probably advise me.

Ugh. Just took D-bear out for a walk. Who said it could be this hot today? Okay, it's Florida, but still. And speaking of Florida, yay for the fun barrage of fire ants discovering my ankle while I was trying to scoop poop AND keep Darwin from jerking my arm out of its socket!

grampa, darwin, health

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