Online Writing Group

Mar 16, 2008 10:11

Hello there,

This is an invite to the Melbourne Nanophiles for an online writers' group. I am hoping to start a Wednesday Night writers' group, either weekly or fortnightly, onilne, in IRC.

Inspired by the fun that was the word wars held during November, I was thinking of extending that idea through to a regular meet up to inspire and learn and excercise the writing brain.

I thought it would be focussed around short stories, rather than novelling, although a suggestion has been raised to help work on synopsises as well as short story material, which I think is a great idea. Short stories are either to critique on a weekly basis, and easier to write on a weekly basis *ha*.

I envision the group to run for hopefully 2 hours. The first hour being writing excercies based around The Artists' Way, Writing down the Bones etc, stuff to get you just, writing. Writing wars, challenges and so on, genre discussion, character discussion, news reviews, competitions and such-like. Inspiration for short story assignments can be garnered from this.

The second half would be for critiquing and reviewing work. Each week, one or two writers would send in a piece they have written for group discussion and stuff the next week. It wouldn't have to be the previous week's topics, but any short you have written that you want polished and discussed. Or, it could be your synopsis for a novel you have written and need help with.

I think the best place for an online group such as this would be IRC. For those who haven't got IRC installed, there were directions in the Melbourne Nanowrimo forums, and some helpful Melbourne Nanophiles to give help and installation instructions. Talea helped me! :)

If anyone is interested in being a part of this, email me (so I can add your email address to the email Group I have set up.) For those who have already expressed interest (waves) you can just email me a joke or something.

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