omg, rodents!

Jan 20, 2006 01:45

Wow, a lot has happened in the world of pets that is Fort Awesome since I last posted! pretends that it didn't shock me to get a message from roothekittykat that I had been off of lj for over a week....

Re: mice *points to this post about Lizzie!mouse and this post about boy!mice from mylittleredgirl* *weeps for Lizzie* *sends loving vibes toward teh boys*

We also now have EVEN MORE pets. Seriously, at this point I don't even NEED to try to work at a zoo, I am living in one! The new additions are 1 chinese water dragon (omg, it is so cute and green and little and is totally in the turtle's old tank) and 2 rats (which there will totally be pictures of later.)

Until we get rat pictures up (of our rats...that have pedigrees...seriously) here are pictures of them as babies. They are the ones called 'Stinky Pete' and 'Slinky' - we will rename them.

My life remains really, really boring. There is nothing happening other than me trying to talk myself into finishing my remaining school work.

'lantis mice

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