Apr 19, 2005 02:42

even though i'm sitting at the iupui computer lab all freakin night, i still love illustrator. i'm doing this awesome pic of full metal alchemist...it has edward in the front view then alphonse in the middle view with this really neat background...and i threw it into a template to use to recreate the whole pic with a bit of artistic license of course :) but, for once, i feel so in control and sure of myself that i'm going to completely kick arse with this program. i love vector, and i think raster is a tie as well. i'm totally feeling new media tonight...
i think this is one of those all nighters where i'll be twitching and drooling from lack of sleep but creating my final drawing for my n110 class WAY ahead of schedule. that just leaves my animatic, a huge horrid english portfolio, an 8-10 page paper for ethics on euthanasia, and some various smaller homework assignments. all in all, this is really going to be kool, and perhaps i'll post it once i'm finished so you can see what i'm talking about.

now if I can just tackle Director in the same way for my final animatic....ahhhh...sweet. let me know if any of you are interested in seeing my final animatic. if i publish it, it should be d/l'able or something. i'll think on it.

summer come now. i'm ready for a break and a vacation to california. WHEEEEEEEE TAQUITOS!!!
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