Apr 26, 2007 18:02
I'm home. I've been home for almost a week.
Well, not home-home. I guess I mean back-home. Back at Kadic anyway. Is it strange that I think of school as home now? That I found being at home with my own family strange? I felt like a foreigner, or like I'd stepped into a time machine that deposited me back in some strange time before I left for school. Everyone's the same, everyone does the same thing, same routine as always, nothing's changed. I hung out with some kids I used to be close friends with and found that I really had nothing to talk to them about. Nothing normal anyway.
Charlie got me a new iPod and a soccer ball signed by the Italian team which is awesome. I don't know how she managed it. Well, actually, I do, but I still can't believe she did it. Or maybe I can. She's always been insane like that. Thanks again Chare. the rents got me other junk. Mostly clothes and school-related stuff, though they also slipped in new CDs and DVDs why do I have a feeling Odd is going to steal them? Oh yeah. He already did. and they changed cell phone plans so I got a new one. I think I've given everyone my new number, if I haven't...oops. Leave a comment and I'll give it to you.
Other than that, school's been normal I guess. Nothing going on. Yes Jer, nothing going on. Don't look for trouble when there is none. You don't want to provoke it into happening. Take the time to relax and enjoy yourself. Can you believe it's almost summer vacation? Another year gone. Wow. Amazing.
Off to do Hertz's paper.
Edit oh and Odd? Who's mirror did you break? Since you still haven't answered me.