Nov 08, 2006 14:28
I just listened to "W" admit clearly that he absolutely lied to the press last week because he didn't want to deal with a question they asked.
He was asked at his 1 PM press conference today to explain the discrepency of his statement 2 weeks ago that donald Rumsfeld would stay on with the administration through the rest of his term and the fact that he is stepping down today.
He said this "Well at that time i didn't want to inject that issue right before a big election, and the only way to get you to drop that question and move on to the next question was to give you that answer"
Seriously? How can you be that stupid, Bushy? You think its a good explanation to say that i told ya'll a lie, because the truth would have been detremental to my agenda at that time.
A... Mazing.
Glad to know that Speaker-to-be Pelosi has already mentioned impeachment of the president as a topic to pursue aggressively.
Let the Subpeona's fly.