World beware, I have a cold.
If I have a cold, that means that its a big, bad nasty cold that managed through a series of random mutations to penetrate my immune system.
It is NOT the flu. I do not have Man-Flu.
iron_pineapple however, does.
Role reversal you say?
I have little else to write about in Livejournal, as true to my previous decisions I have been living life for the minute, so I barely have any time to even note down the interesting events in my life.
Let it be said and known that I am HAPPY. I am also SMUG and PLEASED
I am also going to Maelstrom, and going to play a musketeer with a musket and a military jacked and a tricorn hat. *skips*
Also, I rule.
Enough of that, methinks.
Tally Ho! What what?