Nov 29, 2011 22:47
It's not that I'm mad or sad or anything. I guess you could say I'm just indifferent. I mean, it probably was for the better that things got cleared up and that you were able to have a good talk. But I think it just bugs me whenever your life crosses path with hers. It doesn't bug me in the way that I'm unconfident or afraid to lose you. It bugs me because when there is ever any type of interaction at all, something bad comes out from it. Something totally unnecessary and uncalled for. Things that I just don't want to deal with.
To be honest though, I know I get worked up when something like this happens. And it bugs me a lot. But I kind of just get over it now. I don't see a point in dwelling and making a big deal. Because that's exactly what she wants. She just does these things to get people's attention. So why feed her...
I've tried so hard to just be mature and disregard these things. Because personally I know it's not true and that I shouldn't be worrying. But I can't help it. I guess it's mother nature. When someone puts a thought into your brain, you just can't help but think about it, especially when it's a bad one. Unfortunately for me, this one has been stuck in my life for the past 3 years.
I don't question your love for me. I don't question how you feel or what you do. As cliché as it sounds, she's the problem, and it's solely is her. It's come to the point that I don't even want to deal with hearing her name come up into a conversation. And it bugs me most when random people are coming up to me and telling me things. It's all just so highschool. And I'm so over it.