Dec 21, 2010 19:36
Alright, another week, another update!
Since I'm at home right now, it's a little harder to find time to write, even though I am sitting around basically doing nothing. However, I have gotten a lot done, even if it's not writing.
Reason number 4,583,382 why I love my best friend sierra_yuni; she loves Supernatural just as much as I do, and she can provide the most awesome feedback as well as idea help. With her help I've sucessfully planned out the rest of my story, as well as practically written the final scene and worked out the little kinks that I needed to figure out. So even though I haven't gotten a whole lot farther in the way of word count, I have gotten quite a bit done in the last week. Here's hoping that I can do something of equal awesomeness this next week. :D
7,579 out of 15,000
This puts me officially past the halfway point for the word count requirement, although I'm not certain that it's the halfway point for the story itself. Judging by what else I want to put in, I would say I'm pretty close to my halfway point, but who knows, I'm not certain how many words these parts are going to take up until I write them.
Since I won't check in again until after Christmas...
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone!
gabriel big bang