You get old.
You've done your experiments
You understand yourself a wee bit better.
You get a feel for what's in your boundaries, and what's not.
We're doing fine. I imported a gal from SoCal, encountered the inevitable, but Oregon became a bad, bad place for young family.
I'm lucky I have choices. Not everyone does.
I worry an awful lot more than I'd like. My humour has evaporated to a large degree, which is unfortunate, but on the other hand, it was only there to deflect things I didn't want to see. I figured stuff out when I was 30 and practiced it through 50, so today - although it's certainly not the same - isn't so bad. But I did have to get a shot for some crazy plantar foot thing that I just couldn't shake on my own.
I, and my entire family, got through the covid nonsense without being experimented on, but we did take a financial hit.
Some things are more important. I've never been a big proponent of free will, but bowing to unsupported consensus out of fear (or whatever) isn't a lack of free will -- that's just succumbing to bullying.
I do realize that what us Gen Xers have grown up with is in the midst of crumbling. Something new, and certainly not better, is being pushed. But I have confidence my side of the world wakes up, becomes less greedy, and remembers what an ideal is.
Being an entity in these times is a rough surf. See with your eyes and heart. Simulation or no simulation, there is something else out there, and it's the same as what's in here. Which came first? I'm in the midst of discovery.