May 27, 2008 08:56
More batch blogging…
1) I saw the So You Think You Can Dance marathon on MTV. I really enjoy snippets of dance routines set to music (as opposed to sitting through a lengthy show in person). Mia Michaels’s contemporary choreography is astounding. Seriously, check YouTube for it sometime. Plus the show introduced me to several music pieces I now like including Elisa and OneRepublic. I like when things I wasn’t expecting introduce me to new music and am hopeful for the next TV season (as well as the upcoming Guitar Hero: Aerosmith).
2) Hoorah for David Cook! I was not expecting that after the Tuesday performances. Both contestants were good, but the more polished contestant won. Archuletta fans, just give him a couple years. He’ll still be around.
3) Why does a 700MB CD-R hold only 100+MB of songs (around 15-18)?
4) Observation: Dilbert comic strips tend to be better if you only read the first two panels.
5) Bizarro comic strip (from memory so quotation may not be exact):
Man walks into the bedroom “Oh no, my imaginary childhood friend with my pretend girlfriend!”
6) F-Minus also struck me funnily: One duck floating along tells another duck how silly he looks for swimming the dogpaddle.
7) Still no friends’ posts read. I cower in fear.