Title: He's a Tramp
Artist: Peggy Lee (who also co-wrote the song with Sonny Burke, for the Disney film)
Length: 2 minutes, 38 seconds
Summary: Napoleon loves the ladies and the ladies love him
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Inspired by the re-release of the classic Disney animated film, "Lady and the Tramp", this is very much a Napoleon-centric Man from UNCLE fanvid.
After saying in an interview that the one thing I would never do is make a het vid - apparently I have done just that. Although I saw the opportunity to give a slashy twist to the vid, I chose not to do so.
If you're a fan of the Russian and are uninterested in fanworks that don't feature him, then this is not the vid for you. Illya makes a mere 5 cameo appearances and doesn't figure in the story line at all. Maybe the next vid will be all Illya, all the time, who knows? I work as inspiration strikes.
The streaming link is
on YouTube The download link for this vid can be found
Editing Software: Corel VideoStudio ProX3
No. of Episodes: 35
No. of Clips: 59
Avg. Clip Length: 2.68 seconds
Special Effects: None, except for converting any color clips to black and white
Transitions: 8 total, all of them basic fades or zooms
Encoded with H.264 codec. Export file size was 542 MB; final file size is 23.8 MB.
My aversion to very fast paced editing is evident here. Lots of long, lingering shots, especially the ones where Napoleon is openly ogling women.