Feb 12, 2009 09:20
I've gotten a little lax on posting. Work is nuts right now. And coupled with the various strains of the plague going around right now, I haven't had much time or inclination to post. I just know this mass infection of the populous is just a warm up to the coming zombie apocalypse... and I've been working hard on my zombie preparedness kit.
Right now, it's really just a box with a bottle of water and a map to Aaron's house in it. I should work harder.
But for now, on with the show!
The Puppet Show - or - The Ferengi Debut
Synopsis: Emily, the pig nosed ballerina is the first Sunnydale student to get offed by an organ thieving demon. Buffy confronts her fear of puppets... only to find out that they are even creepier about hitting on highschool girls than a gypsy cursed klingon. And the new principle shows up.... presumably to teach the kids the 285 Rules of Acquisition.
Yes, I'm sorry. Did no one else notice that the new principle is a frelling Ferengi? He may have been out of make up, but that look of disdain was the same. I half expected him to expound a plan to make a profit from the highschool and to force all the females to strip because you know, they don't clothe their females.
Wait... I do see potential to make a profit there. A very big profit.
But no, he never goes that far. But I will assume that plan is in his mind somewhere. That is the only way I can justify the outfits of the girls of Sunnydale. Specifically, Buffy McHoeSkirt. Maybe this is the part where I sound like a crazy old lady shooing kids off of her porch but, seriously. In my high school, skirts that served as a warm up to a pap smear were not really dress code legal. The rationale had something to do with being a distraction and idea of decency. Though, I think it was mostly about trying to keep the number of us with future careers in lap dancing to a minimum.
Not that I think Buffy is contemplating a future career in pole dancing. (If only.) Rather, I think she is perhaps saving money. Using so little material on her skirts must free up her budget for other things. More important things. Like... tons and tons of fake hair. This episode gets an award for most hair length changes in a 24 hour period. It's shoulder length. It's a long pony tail. It's an obvious fall of clip in extensions. Listen, if you don't want people to know the hair is fake, you probably shouldn't cut from a scene with a pony tail of a slightly different color than the rest of your hair falling past your shoulders... to hair down and barely past your ears. Just saying.
Moral of the episode: There is STILL nothing more awkward than high school kids doing Oedipus.
fake hair,