Jan 14, 2011 12:49
Few days ago weekly ekonomika.lt for the first time published Top-100 richest Lithuanians. Earlier rankings included smaller number of people (Top-10, Top-20, etc.). I am always suspicious about such rankings since it is difficult to evaluate real value of wealth. But it is sometimes interesting to see such ranking. Just for interest :)))
First three positions last year look like this:
1) Nerijus Numavičius (2,5 billion LTL) - main shareholder of "VP Market" group, also owner of farmacy chains of "Eurovaistine" in Lithuania and "Euroapteka" in Poland, energy company "NDX Energija", etc. My comment - typical business for this region of the world.
2) Bronislovas Lubys (1,5 billion LTL) - main shareholder of "Achema group" (chemistry plants, transport companies, etc.). My comment - more "advanced" but also rather typical business for the region.
The most interesting is the position Nr 3
3) Ilija Laurs (about 1 billion) - founder and main shareholder of GetJar. The second largest provider of software applications for mobile phones (after famous Apple) in the world. The company that could be treasure of Lithuanian economy. This in 1976 Kaunas born businessman made very untypical business for this region of the world.
Only one detail: few years ago company moved to the Silicon walley in California - world Mecca of high tech. Nothing personal - only the desire to be at the epicenter of high tech...