The City of Villains

Jun 03, 2008 14:43

A few entries ago, I mentioned that I was playing City of Heroes/Villains. Well, it turned out that this was more than just a passing interest. I am really enjoying it.

Being a long-term Hordie, I felt an immediate connection with the Villains of this game. I tried rolling a Hero character, and while I did get out of the starting zone, everything was just too bright and cheery for me. Villains all the way!

For my first character, my brother recommended Brutes (warriors) or Masterminds (hunters) because they are very solo/newbie friendly, but I chose the Corruptor because, really, I just liked the concept.

I have a Level 20 Dark/Dark Corrupter. For those of you who don't understand CoV lingo, that means both my primary and secondary abilities are Dark powers. (You can also be Fire/Kin(etics) or Ice/Dark or any combination of powers, really.) Corrupters are like the mages/warlocks of this game. They hit hard from afar, but they are very squishy in melee. They are supposed to be nukers, but the Dark/Dark set makes the Corrupter something else entirely.

Dark/Dark is not about nuking your enemies; you're not going to wow anyone with your l33t DPS. DDCs are about utility and control. Just about every offensive and defensive ability you have applies a ToHit debuff to your enemies, and this debuff stacks. Hit them enough times and it's like your enemies are playing darts blindfolded. You get a powerful self/group heal and an AoE rez. You can slow your enemies, root them in place, or fear them off your back. You might even put your healer out of business because no one is taking any damage.

I play on my brother's server, called Virtue. It is the unofficial RP server of CoH/CoV. One thing that amazes me about CoH, is that anything can be construed as in-character. You wanna roll a emo vampire catgirl? Go right ahead (not that I would, mind you)! Did your WoW character get somehow transported to Paragon City or the Rogue Isles? I'm sure there's someone out there roleplaying that. Reptilians, robots, insectoids, demons, even genetically-engineered super-soldiers are viable. My DDC is a traditional dark mage. Think "comic books"; any character concept can fly. While most people--even on Virtue--don't actively RP, I don't think anyone created their character without a certain concept in mind.

The WoW character creator SUCKS when you it to compare it to CoH. In fact, there is no comparison. Sure you might find someone with the same Powers/Class as you. But with so many costume possiblities and color combinations, I dare you to find someone who is your in-game twin. And sometimes, I won't even play the game. I'm just fiddling around with the character creator trying to come up with the next great costume!

Starting at Level 20 and every 10 levels after that, you can unlock alternate costume slots for your character, meaning you don't have to stick with the same old look the entire game! These are the two I have. The top is my original costume, sans the hood and cape. The bottom is my alternate. The yellow jewel in his chest is a common element with which I am trying to tie all my costumes together. His Level 30 costume might be something a little more demonic.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mar'kel Darkweaver.

The neat thing about capes, fabrics, and other objects in this game, they are fully physiqued. If you move left, the wind pushes your cape to the right. Debris will move when kicked aside. The physics engine of this game is actually quite stunning.

I haven't completely abandoned WoW; I still have friends and raids to think of. But when I'm not in-game, chances are I'm kicking Hero butt with my ebil Villain!

wow, coh, rp, gaming

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