I'm returning to my own personal heaven in May and I can't wait!!!

Mar 17, 2019 18:14

I'm going here

to see and hug these guys

Also attending are Rich, Matt, Rob, Ruth, Rachel, Julian Richings (his 1st Hub con!! - can't wait to meet him) Jason Manns & The Hillywood Girls.

For a whole weekend, I'll be surrounded by the wonderful SPNFamily, including lots of my close friends who are also making trek from Perth. At the con I'll be sitting with 2 amazing ladies, Larisa and Marie, who love the show and boys just as much as I do.

My Saturday ticket, the Winchester, gets me into all the general panels including J2's and also includes photos with Jared and Jensen. I can use them individually or for the infamous J2 Sandwich, so will need to decide which to do. I also get the chance to buy J2 autos and photos and autos with all the other guests.

My Sunday ticket is just a cheapie day ticket that gets me into all the general panels including J2 and chances to buy photos and autos with all the other guests except J2. Their photo and auto tokens are strictly limited to 1 per person with all the other more expensive ticket levels so more fans have access to them. J2's last con here in 2017 was a fiasco with way too many ops and autos sold, leaving the boys (who were already jet-lagged) absolutely exhausted by the end of the weekend. Too many fans were somehow able to buy lots of J2 tokens, sometimes more that 10, whilst a lot of others missed out. Hopefully this year's con will be a lot more relaxed, esp for the boys.

I'm hoping to upgrade to a Winchester tix for Sunday, so I get the extra J2 photos and autos. Just have to hope they don't sell out before I can afford the extra money.

I'm also going to the Saturday Night Concert with Rob & Louden Swain. Rich, Matt and Ruth will probably also perform. I'm really hoping Jensen does a song or 2 as well like he did back in 2017. And I'm silently praying that even Jared might come on stage for a bit with his guitar and give us an encore to that magical moments of J2 doing Free Falling at the last con.

image Click to view

Have already begun to think about what I want to get J2 to sign. As I've already got their signatures on a few of my photos with them, I want to do something different this time. I've got an idea that I think will get a good reaction out of the boys. Just have to design it and get it printed well in advance so I'm not rushing in the lead-up to the con. I also have plans for a 3rd celebrity to sign the same item at a local con I'm going to in June.

rachel miner, jared padalecki, jensen ackles, spn con, vids: j2, con adventures, ahbl10, jensen singing, autos, gal pals, life just got a whole lot better, conventions

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