
Jan 10, 2007 05:41

Funny word don't you think? I'm going to look up it's roots, out of curiousity, I'm pretty sure I know what they'll be...but...eh, well, who knows...and yes, I do know what apathetic means, just curious about roots, and what the proper definition is.

ap·a·thet·ic    (


k)    also ap·a·thet·i·cal   (-

  1. Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent.
  2. Feeling or showing little or no emotion; unresponsive.
Really what they mean to say is it's being a pathetic Blah, and yes I used "Blah" as a proper noun.  Because in the instance of being a pathetic "insert proper noun here" Blah is used as the person/object being pathetic.

Ok, so several things, I'll get the trivial out of the way first...Rachel McDonnell of The Cruxshadows is leaving them, she was engaged last year, and is wanting to make more family time...dammit...must learn to play violin that well, and join them!! LOL yeah right, I can't even compare to that, if I had maybe 15 more hours in the day to practice nothing but violin, possible...

My leg itches like craziness, I want to claw the skin off...

I'm dreading my next tattoo appointment, I think he's going to start on my kneecap...just cause it's funny to watch me writhe in pain.

Also, the most beautiful picture of space I have ever seen...google eagle nebula, it will tell you all about this nebula...until then, a beautiful image of it...

Amazing huh?  And to think there are religions/cultures that are narcassitic enough to think we are the only existing life in all of the galaxies and beyond.  That all of this comes from but one "God" who touched His finger to the sky and created it all.  Tsk, tsk.  There are indeed things at work greater than all of us.  It's called heat, cold, gas, expansion, vacuums, explosions, eruptions, collisions, and all kinds of things we can't even fathom, are there entities greater than us?  Sure, wouldn't be Pagan if I said no.  I believe in lots of entities.  But that they created what is? No.  Even my belief system teaches The Big Bang Theory if you will.  And that what are now the entities we look to for guidance, took over protection of what came from all that cosmic chaos.  It's so small minded to believe that we are it.  And all we can ever look forward to is living and dying for some deity.

Tonight, was...a learning experience...those of you that know me, know that I hate jealousy/envy, and I try, though fail often, not to be, or give into the green eyed monster.  I can't be perfect.

I have watched people around me, or not so around me, gain abundant wordly pleasures, although they cannot/will not be able to afford them for long.  I spent most of my life taking people in, giving them a home, putting things on my credit for them,  to now be in a situation where I will be paying for those good deeds for some time to come, and it has put me in less than a favorable credit position.  I can't have the things I'd like to have to make life a little easier.  A little more comfortable.  I can have some things, but others are far from reach for some time.  I've gone without most of my life, I grew up poor, second hand stores were our friends, donations, churches, etc...Even when I haven't had anything to give, I tried my hardest to give whatever I could.
It's frustrating to watch people take what they have for granted, that goes for money, as well as children, and all kinds of things.
Money, well I explained.
Children.  People that have them, that shouldn't, because they can't even properly care for themselves, let alone another life.  OR even worse, those that get pregnant, and instead of being smart and taking measures to not, just abort instead.  Causing another life to suffer for their actions.  I cannot stand abortion, it's an ugly, horrid, disgusting thing, don't believe me? Google images of it.  That is a living being, capable of feeling, thought, emotion...and it is completely innocent.  It didn't ask to be made.  UGH.  A topic I could go on for days about.
I just wish everyone instead of gloating about what they have, could step back, and realize so many go without, way worse than any of us could imagine, children die of starvation in this country daily...here, in the USA.  They die from AID's given to them at conception, adults who have crippling mental disabilities, that can't get proper health care, it goes on. 
Instead of getting yourself into some more debt for that super uber home network of 8 computers, or the 12 mpg rated SUV, or steak dinners 4 nights a week, frivilous luxuries, try opening your home to a friend in need, or donating time, or money to good causes for animals, kids, or being vegetarian/vegan, or eating organics, to try and save a few hundred acres of land, and a few dozen animals in your life, stop doing stupid brainless shit like smoking, doing drugs, or drinking, all that shit does is just make life less important,  takes away meaning, it makes our bodies, and brains trivial masses, and they aren't.
If you could care less, than off yourself, you don't deserve to be here, or alive.  I kind of feel that way about most of the human race anyway.  I really think people should be screened at birth for two things, the ability to be a decent parent, if you can't, you should be steralized, and to make a mark on humanity, no matter how small, I'm not asking anyone to be perfect, hell, I'm not, but, I do try and help where I can.

I'm sure a lot of this only makes sense to me.  I'm the one watching most of this occur, and being disgusted by it.

I'm sure most of you could give a fuck less.  That's fine...when I find the reset button and push it, none of that will matter. :)  And believe me, I'm on the hunt for it.

I have a very sleepy kitty in my lap, and two very tired dogs at my feet, so I think that's my que.

Look up the Eagle Nebula, and bask in it's beauty, and the knowledge, that there is so much out there for us to learn, and see.

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