Isn't she the sweetest?
She is all white except slight orange stripes on her tail, and light orange tips on her ears, and the most beautiful blue eyes aside from mine! She makes the murloc (WoW reference) sound when she eats, it's a mewing, sing songy sound! TOO CUTE! She gets along amazingly with Maharhet and Baby, I will wake in the morning to find all three snuggled and spooned, snoring away! Yes, she was named after two things, Alyss from The Looking Glass Wars book, and Elizabeth Bathory, the virgin blood bather (literally). We call her Bathory, or Bat.
In other news, I should have a completed Alice sleeve in the weeks to come...I can't wait to post the progress!!!
For those of you that didn't know, my Mom broke her arm about 3 weeks ago now...she was at work, (She is a Field Rep. for Coinstar)hauling a full tank on a hand truck out of a store to her truck, it was raining, and cars were driving by, well, one car didn't stop for her, so my Mom quickly stopped the hand truck, so fast, that the tank came off the hand truck that she had tilted to roll, when that happened no weight was there to offset it, and she went down on the ground and caught her self with her hand, which hand you ask? Her right one, yes the very same one that she injured 6 years ago, and had surgery on. The radius broke into her wrist joint, yes INTO the joint!!! My stubborn Mother picked herself up, pride wounded as much as her hand, put the tank BACK on the handtruck and wheeled it to her truck, LOADED it, and drove home, to get a ride to the ER!!!! She had surgery last week to try and get the bone safely out of the joint, to avoid MORE nerve damage to that hand. Because L&I are such jackasses, she is getting her Doctor to release her back to work tomorrow...she isn't suppose to be working for 6 weeks...but...that's my Mom...they are thankfully putting her on light duty. We'll see how it all goes.
Retail jobs during the holidays BLOW! Ahhh well, can't complain, bills aren't piling up, I can actually invest some money into things I've wanted for some time, and well, it could be worse...I could be in my life a year and a half ago...completely and utterly infatuated in someone that was fooling everyone, but me. On that subject, said person has found a new hatred towards me, for a situation out of my hands, that both involved in the situation created, even though knowing the possible consequences. That's fine, point the finger and blame whomever you must, whatever helps you sleep at night, I don't care...
There is a greater source, being if you will that controls the consequences of your actions, not I...but, if it makes you happy, that's fine...it is of no consequence to me.
My life is going places that I could have only DREAMED of then, I have no hatred for anyone that helped tear my previous life apart. I don't blame anyone, and I don't sit around piddling on about it anymore...I thought we all were past that...
I know that from time to time, things will hurt, and people will wonder, etcetera, it's only human nature, as much as we fight it...but, hatred? Move beyond that...it would help a lot of wounds heal.
Anyways, moving on...
That's where I am kids...
-Word to the wise, don't do stupid shit, and be happy that bad things are happening because you're anit-(insert whatever here) and are happy to see that thing you hate not be a part of someone's life anymore soon...because I tell you what, it will come back to bite you in the ass, in about 5 years. People regret, and resent, and will hold grudges...take my word for it. Some people NEVER forgive...
-Also, if a car won't stop for you, and you stopping for it will be dangerous, KEEP GOING,
-And, people ALL people should use deodorant ALL the time,
-Children do not belong in a mall at 10 pm...they should be home...cozy in bed...or at least home, where they can sleep if they wanna...
-Some people should not EVER, and I MEAN EVER, be allowed to bear children,
A. if you need Welfare to care for them, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HAVING THEM??? Or even better having ones you can't care for already and then adding to the brood.
B. You know that you aren't a family person when it boils right down to it,
C. Smoke, drink (other than socially in small quantities, will not be driving, or have children with you), or do ANY kind of drugs, in ANY quantity, at ANY point you are currently raising a child(even if said child only visits you on the weekends),
D. Are stupid, act stupid, put self in stupid situations,
E. Cannot fend for self, if the other half of the child's gene pool left you, would you make it comfortably?
F. Refer to D again
G. if you can't spell, use correct grammar, decent punctuation, capitalization, etc, therefor if you still spell like a child, or speak like one, DO NOT have one. BIRTH CONTROL!!! There are enough children with fucked up home lives on this planet, if the life you lead could potentially lead to some stupid shit happening, DO NOT bear children, at least not yet. There is no excuse people, birth control is FREE!!!
-DO NOT try to witness to a pagan, I'm sick of it, I get angry, and then I rip your nice comfy, happy, blind world to bits by telling you what they don't teach you in church.
-I'm jaded on people, and civilization, have always been, will always be, people have shown me as a whole, that the reset button needs pushed, desperately!
-If I'm standing somewhere do NOT under any circumstance, step into my bubble to
A. lift my sleeve to see my tattoos,
B. touch my pentacle, and ask why I worship Satan!!
C. try to push my hair back and see my ears, and make rude comments about how gross that is,
D. or any other rude, annoying action. I WILL NOT be nice...Even if I'm at work, just because I'm at work doesn't mean you can touch and poke and try to see what you want, me being at work doesn't automatically set me into submissive, happy public mode...I am calm and collected with those who are the same to me.