Oct 13, 2005 18:08
Yeah...llamadeath...don't understand? That's okay. You don't need to.
School's been okay. Marine Science is less of a joke these days, even though we're going over concepts that I had down cold in the sixth grade and have since forgotten completely. Or was Plate Tectonics Study fifth grade? I can't remember. It was a while ago, suffice it to say. Still, I ought to be doing outstanding in this class, and instead, I have an 85. I think I'm incapable of succeeding in "easy" classes, besides history classes. Speaking of which...military history. I enjoy it, I really do, but the class moves at a SNAIL'S PACE, and most of the things we're learning about I already knew anyway. I mean, Stalingrad? Please. Maybe we'll read about some of the medieval wars...I know almost nothing about those, except for the whole Charlemagne-cavalry thing. Just...no more Vietnam. We watched a little bit of "Hamburger Hill" the other day...that's a tough movie to watch. Not as tough as Schindler's, but still, I found it hard to smile for a few hours after first period. Oh well...the class is pretty cool as a whole. Then there's Creative Writing...I love that class. I just love that class. I never used to enjoy writing poetry, but I love it now...possibly because my poems can be as warped as my train of thought, and I don't have to go through the usual, semi-rigorous process of translating said thoughts into something a decent, sane human being can understand. Reference the what I wrote above...some of you might understand...some might not...many will think they do, but won't actually...you know why? Because it's my brain! You can't understand what goes on up there! It's mayhem, I tell you!
Work is work. I got some extra hours on Fridays, so now I work from 4 to 10:30. My paycheck is almost fifty bucks a week now, for one day of work...everyone is jealous of that. Or they would be if they knew. Or they will be once they read this. If they read this. Uh...yeah.
Play...ugh. I don't know why I'm doing it. Well, I know why I'm doing it; I've done every single show in high school, and I'm looking for the lovely destinction of being one of the people who does all 12 shows. Still, I wonder if that's enough incentive to continue working on a show that I care very little, if any, about. Truth be told, I'm getting a bit tired of getting these supposedly important supporting roles. Out of 9 shows I've already done in high school, I've had substantial roles in two: Strength of our Spirits, and Widows and Vegetables. Johann was a great role, once you got past the unfortunate distinctions of being the "stubborn son of a stubborn Dutch farmer". Pantalone was a great role too, but (be prepared for how incredibly selfish this statement is) I felt a bit underappreciated for it. Despite all the lavish praise (and I'm not kidding there) reaped upon me by the rest of the cast, I felt like no one enjoyed or appreciated me for it; in the end, the number of times they told me how great it was and how much I'd deserved an award just felt like pity. It's ungreatful, I know, but by the end of the run of the show, I was glad it was over; so many people had told me that I was outstanding that I just felt like they were saying it to make me feel better about being the poor, stupid idiot who couldn't figure out how to make the role believable. As a result of that experience, and the casting of the next two shows (Don't Count on Forever and now Fiddler on the Roof), I've lost most of my confidence in my acting. Maybe that's why I was cast as I was in Fiddler; who knows. I suppose that if it is, I'll be spending the rest of high school (yikes...only two more shows after this one) in these roles, and I'm as likely as not going to be too short on time in college to do drama. On this topic, I am sad...but what can you do?
Looks like my dream of writing a compeitition show is out the window, too. Faust has settled on Much Ado About Nothing, and I doubt that if I came in with a script that rivaled Romeo and Juliet in narrative brilliance she'd accept it, now that her mind is made up. I wonder if I'll finish my dramatization of Annabel Lee, now that I'm sure that it won't be put onstage. I might...I really like the project...maybe Faust will consider it for next year, after I've graduated. I'm not sure what the rules and regulations for that sort of thing are...they might have to pay me for my work if I'm not a high school student. That'd be funny...
I really want to do some writing...I have so many stories to work on. Abel's story remains unfinished, and I know exactly how it's going to play out. I just don't write it, night after night. I'm going to get to that, though...Abel is a great character, but he represents the last time I'm using my old stereotypical character (the dark, emotionally distant loner, who often blurs the line between good and bad...sound like anyone you know?). I think that once I finish Abel's story, I'll move on to Jungles of Volora...that story still holds a very special place in my heart...I really want to write it. I might even go back and work on Var Hjem or Intrigue someday, but I'd tend to doubt it, since I started both stories, and the result was rather horrific - both seemed childish and underdeveloped, despite the enormous amount of preperation I did on both. Maybe I'll try one or the other again someday. And hey...another short story is always a possibility. Tell you what - let me know what you'd most like to see in a comment and I'll see about writing it.
That's enough for now.