Nov 30, 2004 14:45
I'm Bored - Deal with it..
Name: Leslie
Gender: female
Height: 5'4
Hair color: reddish brown
Eye color: green
Blood type: not sure
Profession: errrr, is looking for one an option
Education: some - mostly just living and a plethora of books
Allergies: stupid people - they make me break out in hives
Mother's family comes from: Europe originally
Father's family comes from: not sure - but I have been told my grandmother was half hispanic and native american
Famous or notable relative or ancestor: my dad was a musician but not sure of anyone else
A color you like to wear: deep purple
Regardless of size or circumstance, an animal you would like to own as a pet: I want a unicorn
A flower you would like to grow in your garden: tiger lilly
Your lucky number: 7
A smell that makes you pause: Nag champa, cool water for men, rain, bread, coffee
A taste that makes you melt: butterscotch
A hobby that occupies your time: lately the fucking internet
A sport you enjoy watching: Hockey,football, basketball
A sport you enjoy practicing: Does Yoga qualify?
A city you enjoy visiting: New Orleans, Austin
A country you'd like to explore: Ireland
Your favorite meal: sour cream chicken enchiladas
A drink you often order: red wine
A delicious dessert: terramisu
A game you enjoy playing: trivial pursuit, scene it, cranium
A book you highly recommend: Diary - Chuck Palhniuk
An author who has affected you: Steven King, Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Carroll
The magazine you read most often: Cosmo
The newspaper you prefer reading on Sunday: Star
Music you prefer to listen to you when you are alone: anything sad or melancholic
The singer or band you are currently listening to the most: Spoonfed Tribe
The film you could watch over and over: Legends of the Fall, Wizard of Oz
A director you admire: Tim Burton
An actress whose performances you admire: Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore
An actor whose performances you admire: Johhny Depp,Christopher Walken, John Cusack
A television show you regularly watch: Survivor and Lost
A painter whose work you highly respect: not sure...
A piece of clothing you enjoy wearing: long flowy skirts
A monument you would like to have a view of from your bedroom: the new york skyline
Your favorite time of day: early morning or late night
Your favorite place to sit at home: my bed
What you like to do most on Sunday: Drink coffee and read
Your motto: No one ever said life was fair.
Your pets: none
Your transportation: 2 feet and a lot of gusto
Your watch: don't have one
Your Cologne or Perfume: I wear oils...currently it's a vanilla mixed with grass
On your wall hangs: fabrics, scarves, pictures, beads
Under your bed or in your closet you hide: nothing