Suggestions for pocket!loot?

Mar 29, 2012 15:39

So, in my current D&D campaign, the rogue of the party is very fond of saying "Are there drunk people around? There are? I pickpocket one."

Since he does this so often, and tends to succeed, I'm just making a couple percentage charts for pocket!loot.

Right now I have two charts. One is basic stuff (small change, spools of thread, fishhooks and the like). The other has slightly nicer stuff (larger amounts of money, packets of spices, and a couple windfalls like jewelry). I'm considering moving the windfalls to a third chart, so I'd have "mundane," "nice," and "extraordinary" for stuff. Which chart would depend on a) his target and b) his degree of success.

And now I'm looking for suggestions for all the charts.

Here are the charts themselves:
(By the way, not everything on these is or has to be actually useful, or even harmless. Diving into a stranger's pockets can have negative consequences.)

001020304050607080901fried rat on a stickglass bead (green)glass marblesempty glass bottlebell2rockshark toothpacket: saltbeef jerkychalk3fish-bones5 spspool of thread - blacksignal whistlewooden spoon4spool of thread - whiteyellow rose1 gpseashellmisc. document5needlechunk of cheesecaltrops3 sheets of paperempty glass bottle (pint)6deck of cardsflint and steel7 spsickleheel of bread7candle stubticket for playpigeon featherfishing netpipe8random keytea: willow-bark5 wooden dicefishhook9knitting needlesring with glass "jewel"3 gp (coles)inkpen10reading glassesblue silk ribbontea: dandelionsmall steel mirror

0010203040506070809013 gpflask of peach brandyvial of perfumefingerless gloves2red tulip1 candied violetvial of poisonpacket: tobacco3packet: black peppertea: peppermintvial of acidtindertwigs4green silk ribbonvial of ink: redspursvial of antitoxin5vial of ink: blackmisc. documentjeweled ringpink rose6coffee beanscarved wooden flutepacket: gingeryellow tulip710 gppink rosemanaclesvial of opium81d6 old elven coinspacket: cinnamonmanacles (with key)compass9fruit: orangepocket-watchhealth potion10small book of children's storiesdaggershuriken

Extraordinary (Note: these might just be incorporated into the "Nice" chart.)
001020304050607080901poisoned ring2masterwork thieves tools320 gp4spyglass5678910


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