PS7 And Image Ready Tutorial Sparkle Name

Nov 18, 2006 03:51

Sparklie Name............PS7 & Image Ready Tutorial

Because i recently learned how to make these ....finally i thought i'd make a quick tutorial on how i make them....

Knowledge of Image Ready and PS7 A must.
Not alot of images ..
Cross posted to r_sambora_luvr

Here is what we are making..................

Step One: Find your Glitter Fills.......
There is a number of places on the net to locate glitter fills. The one used in my example is from HERE Once you have your fills saved to your computer decide which one you want to use.

Open Image Ready...Open your glitter fill in image ready.

You will see there is 3 frames to the animation. And only the top layer is visible. (Meaning the little eye icon is next to just the top layer of the animation.) Turn off the eye by clicking it and click on the bottom layer. Make sure your eye icon is clicked on for this layer.

Jump to photoshop...(At the very bottom of the tools pallet you see a button that will bring up photoshop)

Once photoshop loads you will see your glitter is already loaded. All three frames should be in the layers box with only the bottom layer visible. (The eye is on for only the botom layer)

Step Two: Make the pattern.......
Okay with only the bottom layer visible go EDIT>DEFINE PATTERN Name it whatever you want but make sure you remember what you name it.

Turn the eye off on the first layer and turn on visiblility for the second layer. Repete last step.
Do the same for the third layer.

Afterwards you should have 3 new defined patterns.

Moving on.....................

Step Three: Make the name......
You can now close the glitter fill. Open a new image. I made mine for this tutorial 500x150px. Make sure you have TRANSPARENT checked for your background. It should look like a checker board.

Decide on a font. I used Rechtman You can get it at DAFONT

My font size is 100 pt in white.

Step Four: Make the glitter.......
Now duplicate your text layer 2 more times. (You should have 3 layers in all)
Highlight the bottom layer

With the bottom layer highlighted go to the bottom of the layers box and click on the little "F" (Blending options)
Select Pattern Overlay Select the first frame of your glitter fill you just made.

Fallow last step for the other 2 layers. Make sure you use each of the 3 glitters on each layer.

If using a lighter glitter fill i would suggest stroking a 2 px border around your text. make sure if you didn't do that before you duplicated the layers that you add the stroke to each text layer.

Step Five: Animate It.......
Once each layer of glitter is applied to each layer of text turn the top 2 text layers visibility off.

Now jump back to image ready. Same way little arrow at the bottom of the tools pallet will open project in image ready.

Here is where your knowledge of image ready comes in handy. Since i don't provide visual aids.

The layers box should have the 3 text layers in it with only visibility turned on for the bottom layer.
In the animation window you should see only 1 frame. Duplicate the frame (Do this by clicking what looks like a folded piece of paper between the tween effect and trash can on the bottom of the animation frame.)

Turn the visibility on for the middle layer of the text.

Duplicate the second frame in the animation box and turn on the visibility for the 3rd layer of the text.

At this point you should have 3 animation frames and visibility on for all three text layers.

Now i tween the animation.

Click on the second animation frame and then select the tween effect. (Tween looks like bubbles on the left of the duplicate frame option.)

My tween settings are:
Tween With: Previous Frame
Frames to add: 1
Layers: All Layers
Parameters: Check all of them

Click OK

Notice it jumped from frame 2 and highlighteed frame 3 and we now have a fourth frame..
Click on the 4th frame and tween it the same way as frame 2.
This should simply add a fith frame and it should be highlighted.

And we are done!!!

Save Optimized file

I hope this was easy to understand if not feel free to ask questions i will try to explain best i can...

have fun and enjoy.
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