(no subject)

Feb 17, 2006 02:59

You scored as No. You are a credit to the human race. You should consider a career in law, business or medicine, because your intellect is a rare gift that sets you apart from the mongrelized and rubish proletariat. You are capable of not letting mentally retarded mongoloids drag you down with their mud person needs and diaper changes. Nor are you incapable of convincing mentally handicapped middle-class suburban failures at life that you are a much greater person than they are, so it is best that you offer your leadership to their miserable and directionless lives. Upon commanding much responsibility, you should immediately thereafter put these people on trains to Auschwitz and bring their numb suffering to an end, as well as ours having to live with them in the insufferable society they degenerate with their every decision.

Should you consider seppuku ?
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