Feb 02, 2005 12:34
i dont know what this feeling is inside of me that has been reoccuring day after day, week after week ...why do i feel such resentment, such anger, such rage......i feel as though so many people that i have done so many things for have been taking me for granted...w/e...u know fuck the world, fuck everything because no-one knows how anyone feels...its like everyone puts a shield infront of them and people only know them by how they act..or how they want u to know them.,....but the question is, do we really know anyone? do we really know ourselves? honestly do we? i dont think we do...if we did, then we would prevent so much shit, so much dissapointments and we wouldnt want to change all the time beacuse we would know how we are, what our purpose is...yes i know its life , like i wrote in the jouranl shit before but we are only human right only human....maybe thats why my title of this journal shit is "boulevard of broken dreams".....