Nov 15, 2003 22:01
[ name ]: Chris
[ nicknames ]: ...chris
[ born in ]: warren
[ raised in ]: clinton twp.
[ resides in ]:clinton twp
[ good student ]:if i put effort into it
[ eyes ]: blue
[ hair ]:blonde
[ shoe size ]: 11 1/2
Last time you---
[ had a nightmare ]:last night
[ said "i love you" and meant it ]: month ago?
[ ate at mcdonald's ]: couple years
[ dyed your hair ]: never
[ brushed your hair ]: this morning
[ Washed your hair ]: this morning
[ checked your e-mail ]: today
[ cried ]: .....few weeks
[ called someone ]: today
[ smiled ]: today
[ laughed ]: today
[ talked to an ex ]: yesterday
do you--
[ smoke? ]: no
[ do drugs? ]: nope
[ sleep with stuffed animals? ]: no
[ have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: yes i do
[ play an instrument? ]: yep
[ believe there is life on other planets? ]: of course
[ remember your first love? ]: yeah, i do
[ still love him/her? ]: yes =/
[ read the newspaper? ]: no not at all
[ have any straight friends? ]: yes i do
[ consider love a mistake? ]: it can be
[ like the taste of alcohol? ]: some of it
[ go to church? ]: on christmas and easter
[ have any secrets? ]: of course
[ have any pets? ]: no
[ talk to strangers who instant message you?]: ocaisionally
[ wear hats? ]: yep
[ have any piercings? ]:not yet
[ have any tattoos? ]: nope
[ hate yourself? ]: sometimes i do
[ have an obsession? ]: not really
[ have a secret crush? ]: it's not very secret
[ collect anything? ]: not really
[ have a best friend? ]: yep
[ like your handwriting? ]: no it's ugly =D
[ have any bad habits? ]: yeah
[ care about looks? ]: sometimes
[ boy/girlfriend's looks? ]: sometimes
[ friends and other people? ]: again, sometimes
[ believe in witches? ]: you never know out there
[ believe in satan? ]: yep
[ believe in ghosts? ]: yes i do
[ dress ]: jeans, FATA hoodie, atticus shirt
[ mood ]: regretful
[ music ]: coheed and cambria
[ taste ]: brisk iced tea
[ hair ]: umm the way it always is
[ annoyance ]: haha yes
[ smell ]: the pizza im eating
[ thought ]: too many to type
[ book ]: rules of acension:seeds of betrayal (yes i read)
[ fingernail color ]: normal?
[Refreshment ]: my brisk =D
[ worry ]: things will be unfixable
[ crush ]: do you really have to ask?
[ Favorite Celebrity ]: johnny knowxville
Last person--
[ you touched ]: alec (i hit him) mwahaha
[ you talked to ]: my pops
[ you hugged ]: "her"
[ you Instant messaged ]: joe
[ you yelled at ]: "her" again
[ who broke your heart ]: "her"
[ kissed ]: and "her" appears a lot doesn't she?
Who do you want to--
[ kill ]: a few people
[ slap ]: my dad
[ tickle ]: i don't know
[ talk to ]: a friend
[ have sex with ]: that special someone
[ kiss ]: we allllll know