I had the weirdest dream last night where I met
tgies where he was living. He had an apartment at the back of a very dark 1980s looking shopping center. I knew it was him when we met because he was wearing giant orange-rimmed dark sunglasses. The apartment had a lot of weird books on shelves in it and didn't have a bathroom; I asked him where that was, and he said, "Oh, that's triggered by the mound script" and typed something with a silly name into an ssh session on a computer. Outside the window, an access hatch on a vertical metal manhole shaft protruding from a mound of gray material that looked like a giant lump of anthracite coal was lifted off by a crane, which then reached down into the shaft at an obtuse angle, picking out a basket of the material the mound was made of from some side shaft down the manhole and dropping it on the side, where it immediately crystallized. It looked like volcanic pumice rock right after freshly crystallizing. Whatever that material was, it apparently had to be periodically scooped out to keep the bathroom free of it? After that we walked outside and the rising sun revealed a lake bordered by giant flowering trees.
I still have to wonder what that bathroom looked like!!