Back at my old place, Mephisto had the company of a rather large, rather sweet, and rather fluffy Maine Coon that belonged to my roommate. For the first three months they lived together, Mephisto hissed at Buddy every time he would attempt to come out of Josh's room and then chase him back in. Then, one day, everything suddenly was fine and they were hanging out in common spaces together. How so typically cat.
When we moved from the apartment to the house, the tables seemed to turn, and Buddy became more dominant--perhaps he noticed he was almost twice Mephisto's size. What Buddy didn't seem to notice was that he was roughly a quarter of Mephisto's speed and dexterity, so occasionally, when Buddy would chase Mephisto, and Mephisto wouldn't be in the mood, things would end when either Josh or I noticed that Buddy's nose was bleeding, which in turn we'd point out to the cat.
Mephisto's pretty much been a bit of a loner cat ever since I've gotten him, but at the same time, he seems to get very lonely during the day when I'm not home. He's incredibly bonded to me, something that increases exponentially with every move and every extended period of time when we're apart.
With the blessing of
ssullivan, a kitten seemed to be in order. I figured Mephisto would be more likely to bond with a kitten, and probably a female at that, since he's typically gotten along better with female cats than other males. At the shelter today, that didn't go quite as planned, and while the female tortie they had was very sweet and cute, I just couldn't resist the two-month old boy Maine Coon kitten that was both playful and affectionate. He's black with a gray undertone, despite the fact that I was hoping to get a cat that wasn't. At least he's long-hair so I can tell them apart once he reaches adulthood.
At the moment, I'm calling him the Smoke Monster for the angry "meow" he had in his cardboard box on the way over to the house from the shelter, but hopefully, we'll come up with something better. Worst case scenario is we'll call him Locke, a reference Lost fans will completely get but that'll surely be lost on everyone else. He's got tons of energy, and once we got inside the loft and I let him out of the box, he immediately went over to Mephisto, hissed at him, then walked away. He's now batting around every loose thing he can find that's not a toy and actively working to keep me from typing on the keyboard; meanwhile, Mephisto is sulking in the corner.
I'm sure in two days everything will be fine, though. I hope. Pictures are of course high on the order of the day; unfortunately, I left my camera at the office, so that won't be happening till Monday.